Thursday, February 09, 2006

My Experiments with Truth : Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

A book that shows what it means to be a Mahatma.

Mahatma Gandhi's life achievement stands unique in political history. He has invented a completely new and humane means for the liberation war of an oppressed country, and practised it with greatest energy and devotion. The moral influence he had on the conciously thinking human being of the entire civilized world will probably be much more lasting than it seems in our time with its overestimation of brutal violent forces. Because lasting will only be the work of such statesmen who wake up and strengthen the moral power of their people through their example and educational works.
We may all be happy and grateful that destiny gifted us with such an enlightened contemporary, a role model for the generations to come. - Einstein

If there minority is just one voice that speaks the truth the truth shall prevail. - From the movie Gandhi when Gandhi was asked how come being a minority the Indians could change the views of the British Govt.

A must read for anyone who wants to know what India is all about.

1 comment:

Samrat said...

Another important thing in the book is how a mahatma can tell openly and truly about himself and admit to the whole wide world about his mistakes.
Once you admit your mistake you conquer it :)

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