Sunday, December 12, 2021

Origin of the Soul and Purpose of Reincarnation - Walter Semkew (2008)

 Short, Concise, and Easy Read. Yet, not much of actionable from such books. They seem more like science fiction. Here are some takeaways:

1. There are seven personality types in souls. Similar ideas have been reported by other clairvoyants as well. 

2. Every soul has a dual and can have multiple parallel lives in existence. 

3. The essence of a soul gets passed on life-after-life. Souls take 80-100 lives before finally getting out of the cycles of reincarnation. 

4. Reincarnations are like a learning experience for the soul to graduate to higher levels. 

5. Souls need to graduate 12 levels to attain their final spiritual goals. The author discusses with an advanced spiritual soul Ahtun Re to understand the process of reincarnation. 

6. Talks about reincarnations of Picasso, Beethoven, and Michael Angelo

There are references to others' works like Echo Bodine, Judy Goodman, and the likes. Overall an easy read but mostly felt like some science fiction than something actionable. For spiritual upliftment or development, the book has no substance at all. 

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The Rainmaker - John Grisham (1995)

A young lawyer faces many challenges in life and overcomes them. The story tells a good bit about the legal processes in the USA, but it is ...