Views expressed here are author's personal views and do not reflect the views of author's current or any previous employer.
Saturday, December 19, 2020
The Monk as Man - Sankar (2003)
Saturday, November 07, 2020
Sanjay Dutt: The Crazy Untold Story of Bollywood's Bad Boy - Yasir Ussman (2018)
The original and only bad boy of Bollywood is what Sanjay Dutt is mostly known as. However, generally forgiven by masses as a star kid and movie goers have generally loved his stardom though the brief period of extreme emotions in mid-90s. The book is a simple 200 odd page easy read look out into the actors life that you can flip through in a few hours. Simple language not much of complexities or narratives that explains strong emotions.
In short a simple star kid who had access to money than most normal kids of the period, had a penchant for breaking rules and indulge in all that came to his mind - drugs, wine, women or guns. Somehow family and people around even his rivals found a liking for him. He has never defended his positions nor have been apologetic about his indulgence, almost been innocent in his indulgences.
If you have to read a biography from which you do not want to make any serious effort to pick up a moral and just want to read about an actor who is popular and his rollercoaster life here is a book for you. Just statement of facts, even the author does not try to defend any of the actions of the actor nor has been over critical of his misgivings. From that standpoint alone, I will consider this book worthwhile to read.
In some sense, you also see the actor has been pretty candid about his life, he admitted his mistakes, has accepted his life as a convict and been jailed for the same. Whether he should be considered good or bad or a role model, I think somewhere the moral fabric around a person's life can be kept aside when we look at people around us.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Naveen Patnaik - Ruben Banerjee (2019)
Friday, October 16, 2020
PDF Explained - John Whitington(2011)
The book is good introduction to PDF but has left lots of details away. One can get a good understanding of 1.3 or 1.4 but PDF specification gets more complex after 1.5. So some of those parts must make it to the book. I prefer Developing with PDF for more advanced concepts though. Liked this book for the hand editable examples that are very useful to explain someone about PDF.
Being in Safari Online collection this book adds a lot of value to customers.
Developing with PDF - Leonard Rosenthol(2013)
I normally do not write commentary on technical books as they are kind of associated with a period and as technology moves on new technology shows up. The books get outdated too soon. This one is about a technology that has almost seen maturity. PDF specification is pretty much a mature specification. Post release of the ISO-32000-1 published in 2008, the pace of development in PDF spect has become really slow. The PDF 2.0 spec is more of minor updates and not a major rewrite. The book is published in 2013. So very much current in that respect. The good part about this book is, it covers the high level features of most of the PDF specification. Text, Graphics, Optional Content etc. There are only countable books on PDF specification as such. Many books are available on the libraries that can be used to read and modify PDF specification documents. But purely a book that speaks of file specification is only countable few. From that perspective the book has lots of information look forward to. Secondly, being part of the Safari Online collection of Oreilly, most technical libraries will have access to the book.
If you are looking forward to working on PDFs then this is a important book to keep. For advanced users of PDF specification is the book to refer to.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Co-opetition - Barry J Nalebuff and Adam Brandenburger (2004)
Monday, September 14, 2020
Fermat's Enigma - Simon Singh (1997)
Enigma was the German crypto system that has been decoded by the allied forces surreptitiously to win over the axis powers' every secret move. Fermat's last theorem is in a sense a similar puzzle that baffled the mathematical community over 350 years. The books is written for common understanding without dabbling into mathematical details and hence very useful. The first part is about the development of mathematical system and development of scientific temperament from Pythogoras to Fermat. The last part is about development of systems and how Andrew Wiles managed to tackle the problem. The book has a few interesting puzzles talked about as well. The game theoretic truel is particularly interesting one.
What is there in Fermat's theorem? x^n + y^n = z^n does not have any integral solution for n > 2.
Fermat in a margin note has teased to the mathematical community that he had a proof for the same but too long to be mentioned in the margin notes. It's called the last conjecture not because it's the last one he mentioned but it's the last one that mathematical community proved. With several attempts taken to solve the conjecture it was established the theorem has relations to:
1. Elliptical equations
2. Modular computations
3. Galois groups
While Andrew Wiles approach was to relate between several of these seemingly unrelated mathematical islands and bring home a 20th century solution to a 17th century puzzle. Skeptics are still engaged in finding out further solution to the 17th century solution for the 17th century puzzle. As much as Andrew Wiles was responsible for the solution of the theorem who eventually proved a dual Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, the Japanese scientists Taniyama and Shimura cannot be discounted for their efforts in establishing a dual of the Fermat's Last Theorem.
Simon Singh has done an excellent job in keeping things simple for a complex problem and ensuring common man can appreciate the mathematical hard work. But do not expect any mathematical details in the book.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Bullet Trains - Rakesh Kumar Rousan (2016)
Overall will recommend the book to understand the bullet trains in general and get an bird's eyeview of the technology and its usage.
Most importantly, the book is currently available for free with NBT collection of hundred books during national lockdown due to COVID-19.
Friday, April 24, 2020
The Bridge in The Moonlit Night and Other Stories - Manoj Das (2015)
In world of perception is reality, Manoj Das brings up many great examples where the truth perception from everyone is not just ankle deep. While most stories you would have read elsewhere as a single the book gives out a powerful single theme to ponder over.
Most importantly, the book is currently available for free with NBT collection of hundred books during national lockdown due to COVID-19.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
51 Lesser Known Stories from the Mahabharata - Sharath Kommaraju (2015)
A very quick read that you can finish in couple of hours, hence can be advised. For someone who looks at Mahabharata in a distict spiritual light will not learn much from such a book.
Thursday, April 02, 2020
The Dramatic Decade - Indu Bhan (2017)
1. Parliament Attack
2. Nirbhaya
3. The 26/11 Mumbai Attacks
4. The Babri Masjid Demolition
5. None of the Above
6. The Upaahar Tragedy
7. Defending Freedom of Speech
8. Lily Thomas vs. Union of India
9. The 1993 Mumbai Blasts
10. The Transgender Agenda
11. The Bar Dancers Case
12. LGBT Rights
The judicial system didn't necessarily show the speed and agility to resolve all the issues. Some issues infact continued over 20 years, in some the accused got away with a mere fine as old age considerations. Some cases the accused found ways to run away and fugitives never could be brought under the justice and extradiction could not be carried out. There are cases where justice has been delayed, cases where the quantum of punishment didn't seem adequate to make a mark but overall the courts showed the fundamental rights of the citizens are upheld higher over any other consideration. In that sense, all these are important cases. Also, in some even foreign nationals have been given their due in defending themselves in the court of law acting as state enemies. And that definitely is a very significant character the Indian courts have shown unlike our neighbors who do not show such maturity in their delivery of justice.
An overall good book to read for non-legal professionals. Legal professionals will find the book limiting in terms of details.
Friday, March 27, 2020
India's Legal System - Can It be Saved - Fali Nariman (2016)
1. Judicial System Pre-Indepence
2. Adoption of Judicial System post indepence.
3. Civil Courts and the flaws in the Indian Legal System
4. Criminal Courts and the flaws in the adversial justice system in India
While the judiciary role is upheld in the whole book, there are definite lacuna that have been identified. The role of judiciary and its importance to be kept independent is discussed with certain firmness.
Short and concise but definite treatment of Indian Legal System. More from a commoner's view point than a legal expert. To a practicing lawyer the book will seem to lack details.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice : Clayton Christensen, Taddy Hall, Karen Dillon, David Duncan (2016)
If you have read Innovator's Dillema, Innovator's Choice or any such book by Clayton Christensen the views are always from a producers angle. Technically, the producer comes up with a new product or solution that completely disrupts the market and then market starts adopting it. And the whole saga of the adoption process is described in details with very crisp and well defined examples. This book is actually unique as it describes the innovation from a consumers viewpoint. In some sense, there is nothing completely new that has not been talked about earlier, it tells you to listen to the customer pain points to identify the real need and then build a solution that addresses that need. A very standard product management process to develop a product.
I think other than a terminology variation, like customer hires xyz service or product to address his needs there is nothing quite unique in the book. I felt over the years of research, it's Christensen who has really identified that needs driven innovation actually sticks to produce results. The concepts are told in a very different language, with the hiring terminology but I did not quite find any significant new ideas in the book.
But, as with most Christensen books, you will still gain enough to finish reading it. Hence, recommended.
The Rainmaker - John Grisham (1995)
A young lawyer faces many challenges in life and overcomes them. The story tells a good bit about the legal processes in the USA, but it is ...
In lines of The Survival of the Fittest which was coined by Herbert Spencer in 1864 as a sequel to Darwin's theory of natural selection,...
Just unputdownable. In search for the eternal question Who am I , the Swamiji renounces all the materialistic pleasures and careers and com...
The book definitely makes you think if you are from IIT and particularly if you have lived a pseudo Bengali life in IIT, Kharagpur. When I m...