Friday, October 06, 2017

Economic Thinking of Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore (2013) - Hirendra Nath Roy

Most books published by a specific religious community tend to focus on their religion leader and do not do much justice on the basic premise of the subject. This book seems to completely change that viewpoint. Although it summarizes the closing comments with the thinking of Swami Vivekananda, this book provides a longish introduction of economics and philosophy. Guiding principles of economics thoughts. How philosophy has influenced economics etc. A significant portion of the book is also focused on Gandhiji. Though short a relevant section is also provided on Tagore's viewpoints on economic upliftment of Indian society at large. Although, unified collective economic benefit is the common theme to success the three great men had definitely different approaches to economic upliftment of the society. Gandhiji was focused on local focus and charkha based solution to meeting basic needs of human life. Tagore established the need for agriculture as well as lightweight machinery to enhance human needs. Swami Vivekananda always emphasized the need for social and economic upliftment as one solution and not a diversion in views. Hence, his focus has been on enhancing agriculture output of small land holding as in Japan. There is also focus on environment protection from corruption etc. Overall a good read to realize on how Indian great leaders looked at our economy. Some thoughts are relevant even today with environment, sustainable development and CSR focus in Govt policies worldwide.

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