Friday, December 28, 2012

Myth=Mithya - A Handbook of Indian Mythology - Devdutt Pattnaik (2006)

When one talks about Hindu symbolism in 200 pages you tend to wonder, will the author be able to make justice to the topic. Devdutt Pattanaik's attempt is remarkable. Another well researched book. He defines the hierarchy of Gods. Defines the various residents of swarga, Martya and Patala. The definitions of pitruloka are stated very clearly. The book is divided into 3 parts. The creative forces of Brahma, the nurturing and development phase of Vishnu and the destructive forces of Shiva. Rather than making a chronological statement of events the events are classified keeping the larger theme of the 3 ultimate Gods of the Hindu philosophy. The concise nature of the book will make you finish the book in a day.

The book is an eye opener and is recommended.

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