Monday, April 23, 2012

Jerusalem 1913: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict - Amy Dockser Marcus

This is a perfect coffee table history book. The times of Arab-Israel crisis is discussed from various sources known at that point in time. More than book it has been made to represent in a journalistic style where the history is depicted as in a first person account. The good part is you can always understand the text easily and bad part is you never feel like reading a real history book. The 2004-06 section in the book is not quite an important read. It's more like what happened to various people and places described in the book when the author was doing research.

Overall, a good read but in the end of it you still will not get a real understanding of the history per se. But you will definitely enjoy reading the book like a novel.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Idea of Justice - Amartya Sen (2009)

You can read a wikipedia review.

Unfortunately, I did not feel wikipedia review is justified by stating the book is a critique and revision of Rawl's ideas. Rawl's has been used more like a central theme to which other concepts are compared with to make the complex theory understandable. However, just a few word of caution on when you start reading the book. This is not your one other coffee table books. Very detailed and thought provoking in style and content. Needs extreme patience and concentration to really make sense of the book. Definitely, gives a thorough understanding of justice, reasoning and principles behind them.

If you have serious appreciation for the concepts of justice and reasoning no book can be better to get a wide perspective.

The Rainmaker - John Grisham (1995)

A young lawyer faces many challenges in life and overcomes them. The story tells a good bit about the legal processes in the USA, but it is ...