Sunday, February 18, 2007

Only Love is Real - Brian Weiss (1996)

The book is very much inline with Many Masters and Many Lives. One interesting point it brings out is related souls that try to reach to each other through virtually all possible means to get to each other. It's surprising to see souls that are related to one another get reborn in various forms, sexes and relationships yet they identify each other through psychological regression. Being a Hindu, I never had any doubts about rebirth yet long scientific exposure creates doubts on existence of such systems.

The book is smooth read but probably uses more words to bring out the central theme of the story. The end moves quite fast but at least brings out one point clearly to know one's behavior due to past Karma has some interesting concept. It's love which rules through generations and is eternal. But is it worthwhile to know it or just to continue to lead through without thinking too much through the past but spirtually uplift oneself beyond the struggles of Karma is the way to go is a choice we have to decide.

Overall a book that makes you think.

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