Thursday, January 23, 2025

Confluences: Journeys into the Heart and Soul of Odisha - Anil Dhir (2014)

Confluences is a book about the author's adventures in visiting the whole number latitudes and longitudes of Odisha. Although an Odia, I have hardly visited the state that extensively. Hence, this book was an eye-opener. Unfortunately, the book is out of print now. However, many chapters in the book are part of the degree confluence project. Luckily some chapters are documented here: 

The author has also added his other travel experiences of Odisha, its culture, arts, and crafts in the book. Reading the book made me feel how much more I need to learn about my state. Almost unputdownable!

Galileo's Daughter - Dava Sobel (2000)

The book is about Sister Maria Celeste, the daughter of Galileo, born out of wedlock, based on around 100+ letters she has penned to her fat...