Saturday, October 07, 2023

The Mathematics of Ciphers - S. C. Coutinho (1999)

RSA cryptography is the most commonly used asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. However, with quantum cryptography, this may not be forever. The mathematics of RSA cryptography is modular algebra, which is not too complex. However, a complete understanding requires some knowledge of higher algebra. This book provides the right level of mathematics knowledge to assimilate the concepts needed to understand RSA cryptography. 

A great starting point to learn cryptography. 

The Power of Now and The New Earth - Eckart Tolle

 I read both the books one after the other. So, my understanding has become muddled across the books. A simplistic thought presented in the books:

  1. The past and future create much stress that is not worth it. So, living in the present helps. 
  2. Move to an egoless state of existence
  3. Have a goal for yourself and keep working on it to make progress. 

The books are simple, yet the thoughts are deep. So, reading through in a hurry does not work. One has to give some time to assimilate the ideas. 

Chanakya's Chant by Ashwin Sanghi (2010)

The legend has it that if you recite a stanza for Shakti four hundred times a day over four thousand days, you shall be bestowed with the mental capabilities of the great Indian political master Chanakya, who conceived a unified Bharat for the first time. The novel has two parallel stories running side by side, one of Chanakya of 350 BC and a modern story of the 21st century. The book is a good read. It starts with a compelling story to keep your attention. As the story progressed, I could not find the same energy sustaining across 400 pages. The historical Chanakya part is a story; its accuracy cannot be ascertained, although the author has provided references. The use of modern expletives in the story is unnecessary. The modern story is of a political kingmaker who identifies a poor girl as his political protege and promotes her to become the Indian PM. Just like Chandragupta and Chanakya had differences as mentor and mentee, the politician also falls in the eyes of his protege. 

To be read like a story without much historical significance given to it. A good page-turner. 

The Rainmaker - John Grisham (1995)

A young lawyer faces many challenges in life and overcomes them. The story tells a good bit about the legal processes in the USA, but it is ...