Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Raso Vai Sah - Brahmananda Panda (1980)

"Raso Vai Sah - Sweetness only is He" was written in the late 70s when Brahmananda Panda was still a member of the Rajya Sabha. The book apprises us of the scholarly understanding of Hinduism of the author. It also tells us about how devotees of Satya Sai Baba mingled with Him like a friend, making Him a part of their daily life, expressing their doubts and uncertainties. Sai Baba used to call him Panda lovingly. He used to ask him about his well-being whenever He met. He has graced Panda's son and his grandkids on several occasions. 

Overall it's a book about a devotee who reached his spiritual master and created a lifetime association. A person's spiritual journey is a great read.  At the end of the reading, you still wonder what happened next. Panda continued to serve as the state president for many years later. Children as we were have interacted with him several times. He was popularly known as Brahmananda Aja (Grandpa) by the kids. Always, smiling, and encouraging, with lots of stories and fables with divine messages. Sahitya Academy has published his life story in Odia,  but the book is no longer in print. 

The Rainmaker - John Grisham (1995)

A young lawyer faces many challenges in life and overcomes them. The story tells a good bit about the legal processes in the USA, but it is ...