Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Turning Points - APJ Abdul Kalam (2012)

Undoubtedly, the most loved Indian president has in some sense defined a visionary statement for India. Rather than focusing on political differences and issues the book focuses a lot on developmental steps govt or public should take to aspire and achieve a better tomorrow. For a president in a 5 years' term  APJ has shown a lot of courage and success in getting things done which definitely changes the mere state head status of the president. However, the book is not entirely a smooth read as at places you will find an overdose of doing the morally correct. It definitely can charge up a person to something for ones own country and will motivate the youth.

I am proud to have president like Dr. Kalam in our life time. Good book to read to know what happened after the "Wings of Fire".

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Green Planet - ICT for a low-carbon future (2010) - ed. Guy Daniels

A telecom TV series on thought leadership around green IT. The article is sponsored by Ericsson, HP and Juniper and is freely available. It's a collection of executive interviews around the following topics:

1. Climate Change
2. Energy efficiency and green data centre 
3. The green telecom network
4. Sustainable production and recycling
5. Best practices and impact on consumers
6. Green ICT as Tool
7. Smart Grid and Smart Meters
8. Telepresence andVirtualisation 
9. Smart Cities
10. ICT for policy change

Unlike many execute speeches the content is not very superficial and has definitive statistics that can be relied upon. From chapter to chapter you will realise it's from a set of consistent sources. If you are thinking of getting a start point to look at power management as a whole from an ICT industry perspective, it's good white paper to start your research with. 

Recommended read. 

The Rainmaker - John Grisham (1995)

A young lawyer faces many challenges in life and overcomes them. The story tells a good bit about the legal processes in the USA, but it is ...