Wednesday, December 21, 2011

inside the tornado: marketing strategies from silicon valley's cutting edge: Geoffrey A Moore (1995)

The biggest problem with management books are there are very small number of books that stand the test of time. I feel "Inside the Tornado" proves it all wrong. The examples are dated. At least from the time when I had stepped into the tech industry. Some companies who ruled when the books were written have ceased to exist in today's times but you can always make a good mapping which companies exist in the race and where in the technology adoption cycle. I personally liked the description of the Main Street. A phase most technology companies miss out while planning and always prefer to be on the staircase S-curves. Some succeed and most fail. But I think it will be of significant value if someone clearly carves out a main street strategy. I think that's where the maturity of management comes to play than technology value. The real customer focus. In some sense the book has done such a great job of that part of adoption cycle I will probably like the in the Main Street as the name of the book.

The Rainmaker - John Grisham (1995)

A young lawyer faces many challenges in life and overcomes them. The story tells a good bit about the legal processes in the USA, but it is ...