Monday, May 08, 2006

The Bhagavad Gita - A Walkthrough for Westeners - Jack Hawley (2001)

A remarkable book on an Indian philosophical ocean by a great western scholar. The book will make you feel as if it has been written by a person who has identified himself with the Bhagvat Gita in his own life.

The book describes Gita having 3 parts:

1. Realizing Self and Selfless Action - Chapter 1-6
2. The Very Nature of God - Chapter 7-12
3. Attaining Liberation Now - Chapter 12-18

A must read for anyone who is looking to understand what is the reality all about.

Know Your Reality - Swami Virajeshwara "HAMSA" (2003)

A gift to realization written by an undisputed master of Advaita. The book comprises questions that devotees have asked him and his answers to those questions in simple understandable form. The dialogs will reveal the differences between Dvaita and Advaita, the sole purpose of life and all those philosophical thoughts that comes to one's mind.

A must read for a person who wants to realize what Hinduism is all about.

The Rainmaker - John Grisham (1995)

A young lawyer faces many challenges in life and overcomes them. The story tells a good bit about the legal processes in the USA, but it is ...